General information
The aim of Passport to Success is to examine the impact of Passport, a universal social and emotional learning programme, on children’s mental health and related outcomes.
You can find out more about the Passport to Success here, and about our timelines here. We have now completed our school recruitment process.
Important documents
Below are some of the key documents participating schools had to consider in order to take part in this project. To see the next steps participating schools needed to consider, please click here:
Memorandum of Agreement. This needed to be completed by the school’s Headteacher, a member of the senior leadership team, or by the staff member that would act as the project lead at the participating school. For consultation purposes, you can find a pdf version of the online Memorandum of Agreement document here; The school recruitment process is now complete.
Data Sharing Agreement. Once a school completed the Memorandum of Agreement, they received a Data Sharing agreement to read through and sign. The template for this agreement can be found here;
Pupil List template. Once a school completed the Memorandum of Agreement and signed and returned the Data Sharing Agreement, they were sent a Pupil list template. This document was important to enable schools to provide us with the required information about the year group that would be taking part in the project.
Instructions on how schools could send us their pupil list template. You can find the instructions that we provided schools by clicking here.